Dunham Software | Latest Information

Dunham Software Latest Information

Latest Informtion

Still Using Windows 7:

Existing clients who are still using Windows 7, will need to upgrade their operating systems, in order to continue using our software products. If you are a lifetime license holder, Please contact us for an upgraded license.

June 2024:

On June 20, we released the same version of
My Upholstery Shop We  updated third party files.

May 2024:

On May 8, we released the same version of
My Upholstery Shop We  updated third party files, including Microsoft Desktop Runtime version 8.0.4.

April 2024:

On April 28, we released
My Upholstery Shop version We added access to the windows default calculator from inside the program in the expense, estimates, inventory, orders, and tax data pages.

On April 13, we released
My Upholstery Shop version There was a  bug in the Transfer Wizard. If you tried to import older estimates or orders a crash would occur. Version fixes this issue.

March 2024:

On March 19, we released
My Upholstery Shop version This was due to updated third party files. We also added a NEW year-to-date expense report, estimate slogan option, and updated the help file.

On March 8, we released
My Upholstery Shop version We made several improvements, we updated the data file so it conforms to ANSO SQL standards. We added a default zero dollar payment when converting an estimate to an order, we aligned the time zone with the settings dialog, we added spell check to the settings estimate and invoice text, and updated the estimate and invoice text options.

We archived
My Business and no further updates or releases will be forthcoming.

February 2024:

On February 2, due to third party software security updates, we re-released the same versions of our software with these updated changes.

January 2024:

We just released
My Upholstery Shop Version 7.1 , and DbDocuments Version 4.1.

These new versions, were built using .NET 8.0. There are minor enhancements to each of the programs and have better security than .NET 7.0.

Beginning in January 2024 Microsoft will release updates which will switch Windows Mail to the (new)Outlook. You can read about it here.These updates will replace default Windows Mail which was standard in windows 7, 8, 10, and 11.

On January 8, 2024 we released an update to all of our software programs to address the way you can send emails from our software.
You can now send emails to clients, employees, vendors, or support desk
My Upholstery Shop).

To configure the program to send emails, follow the instructions below.

My Upholstery Shop  open the Settings dialog, select the "Email Settings" tab and complete the email settings.Be sure you have added your email address, in the User Information tab.

In DbDocuments you can only send emails to our support desk.
Open the Settings dialog from the File tab and complete the email settings information.

This will allow you to send emails. If you have any questions, please contact us at: support@dunhamsoftware.com

December 2023:

We released My Upholstery Shop version We fixed some minor issues and changed the way the estimates and orders program calculate discounts. Now, taxes are calculated on the original sales and labor data. This is different than before when the tax was calculated on the discounted sales or labor data.

Welcome to the latest information page. We are going to post the latest information regarding our software products here.